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Learn more about folk music in the enlarged Europe, about the instruments used by the musicians, and visit the best websites worldwide about Folkmusic.

Spiritual and cultural heritage is the soul of every nation. Folk music is an expression of that heritage.
Folk music has always been with us, it has always been a part of us. In every townland and every village folk music has reflected the individuality and the idiosyncrasies of the community that produced it, yet from culture to culture we can all recognize the common sounds and themes that have come down to us through the ages.

Folk music expresses our deepest emotions, sadness, hapiness, love and kindship. It gives us a feeling of belonging to the present whilst connecting us to the past.
But just as music expresses our love it can express our hate, it can be a channel to question those feelings, and playing together gives us the opportunity to learn from each other.


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